• 2023 BeUMC


Bishops Message:


UMC Church and Society Statement:


Palisades Fire Relief


 1. Donate directly to the church. The funds will be used to help people who lost their homes cover immediate expenses and for the church’s eventual reconstruction.  http://www.palisadesmethodist.org/giving

2. Donate to the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund through the UMC California Pac Conference. These funds will benefit all the Los Angeles communities suffering in the fires. https://www.calpacumc.org

3. Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for its disaster relief for all the California fires. https://umcmission.org/advance-project/901670/

4. Send donations of e-gift cards (amazon, target, grubhub, etc.) to palisadesmethodist@gmail.com. These will be given to community members who lost their homes and belongings. 



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