Streaming Worship

February 9, 2025, Drop It All, Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 26, 2025, We All Have A Job To Do, Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 19, 2025, Something New With The Talents Given, Gene Clark

January 12, 2025, Strength In The Spirit of Baptism, Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 5, 2025, We Come Together Before God, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 29, 2024, Where, We Mature and Grow, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 24, 2024: Awesome and Radical, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 22, 2024: Sharing Our Songs We Love of Christmas

December 15, 2024, Prophet Brings Messages of Joy, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 8, 2004 Peace Via Passion and Compassion, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 1, 2024, Hope For Better Things to Come, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 24, 2024, Gratitude for God's Wisdom, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 17, 2024, Grateful For Planning, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 10, 2024, New Ministry Needs Some New Upgrades, Pastor Lisa Connolley

Coupeville UMC Facebook Videos  Please refresh the page at 11 AM if you do not see the current date's service. 

October 27, 2024, Choices-Planning For The Future, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 13, 2024: Mission Possible, Laity Sunday - Lay Leader Jill Usher

October 6, 2024, House Upon the Rock, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 29, 2024, Not Done Yet, Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd

September 22, 2024, The Message and Ministry of God's Kingdom, Chaplain David G. Lura

September 15, 2024, Where Will We Be When We Are Needed, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 8, 2024, Our Mission Continues-Past, Present, Future, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 1, 2024, Labor of Love-Hard Work, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 25, 2024, Politics Make Strange Bedfellow, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 24, 2024, Darlene Sherman Memorial

August 18, 2024, Is This Love? Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 11, 2024, Misadventures Of Marriage, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 4, 2024, Deception, Abuse, Sorrow, Pastor Mary Boyd

July 28, 2024, Speaking Peace, Pastor Mary Boyd

July 14, 2024, Great Sacrifice For God, Pastor Lisa Connolley

July 7, 2024, Women of Grace and Strength, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 30, 2024, Complete, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 23, 2024, Blessings Of Generosity, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 16, 2026: Reward and Riches, Gene Clark

June 9, 2024, Determined Souls-Strength In Spirt, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 2, 2024, When You Are Down And Out, Pastor Lisa Connolley

May 26, 2024, Trinity Sunday,  Pastor Lisa Connolley

May 19th , 2024: Jesus Is Lord,  Gene Clark


May 12, 2024: The Eternal Love of Our God, Pastor Lisa Connolley

May 5, 2024: Death and Resurrection, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 28, 2024: Resurrection and Healing, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 21, 2024: Come As WE Are, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 14, 2024: The Taxing Law of Love, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 7, 2024: Beyond Death, Pastor Lisa Connolley

Celebration of Life for Chuck Wilson, April 6, 2024

March 31, 2024: Easter Sunday - We Are ALL Invited, Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 29, 2024: Good Friday Tenebrae Service

March 24, 2024: Into the Gates, Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 17, 2024: Need for Righteousness, Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 10, 2024: Choose Your Own Adventure

March 3, 2024: Complicated Relationship, Pastor Lisa Connolley

February 25, 2024: Naked Before God, Pastor Lisa Connolley

February 18, 2024: Defining Love, Pastor Lisa Connolley

February 14, 2024: Ash Wednesday Service

February 11, 2024: We Are LOVED, Pastor Lisa Connolley

February 4, 2024: The Call, Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 28, 2024: Justice for ALL - Remembering the Lineage of Our Lord, Pastor Lisa Connolley

Celebration of Life for Al Sherman; January 27, 2024

January 21, 2024:  Led to Ministry and Action, Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 14, 2024: Coming From a New Place, Pastor Lisa Connolley Sound begins at 2:36

January 7, 2024: Supreme Royalty, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 31, 2023: Covenant Living, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 24, 2023: The Light Is Here, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 17, 2023: Our Fierce Joy, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 10, 2023: Our Just Peace, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 3, 2023: Our Shocking Hope, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 26, 2023: The Sheep of God's Pasture, Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd

November 19, 2023: Gratitude, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 12, 2023: Quipped for the Call, Gene Clark

November 5, 2023: An Eternal Question, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 29, 2023: Carrying the Load, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 22, 2023: Talk of the Town, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 15, 2023: Looking Outside Ourselves, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 8, 2023: What Role Do You Play, Pastor Lisa Connolley

Oct 1, 2023: The M in M.I.L.E, Pastor Lisa Connolley

Sept 24, 2023: The I in M.I.L.E, Pastor Lisa Connolley

Sept 17, 2023: Lay Ministries Enhancements, Jill Usher and Carmen McFayden

Sept 10, 2023: The E in M.I.L.E

Sept 3, 2023: Ultimate Call, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 27, 2023: The Power of Will and Discernment, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 20, 2023: The Chosen Ones, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 13, 2023: Disciples in the Boat, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 6, 2023: Wrestling with God, Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd

July 30, 2023: Mustard Seed Faith, Chaplain David G. Lura

July 23, 2023: Creation Waits, Pastor Lisa Connolley

July 16, 2023: Seeds in the Soil, Pastor Lisa Connolley

July 9, 2023: Find Rest for Your Soul, Pastor Lisa Connolley

July 2, 2023: Freedom from Sin, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 25, 2023: Path of Discipleship, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 18, 2023: God Comes First, Baert Simmons

June 11, 2023: Attitude is Everything

June 4, 2023: Eternal Unity

May 28, 2023: Breathing Fire, Pastor Lisa Connolley

May 21, 2023: Breaking Forth With Joy

May 14, 2023: New Life Through the Spirit

May 7, 2023: New Life Changes Us

May 3, 2023: Celebration of Life for Marjorie Arnberg

April 30, 2023: Abundance, Rev. J. Mark Galang

April 23, 2023: Knowing the Truth

April 16, 2023: Believing is Seeing

April 9, 2023: Great Joy! Pastor Lisa Connolley

Good Friday Tenebrae Service, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 2, 2023: God is with Us

March 26, 2023: Invited to Believe

March 19, 2023: Not As Expected

March 12, 2023: Satisfying a Thirst 

March 5, 2023: Transforming Love, Dr. Rev. Mary Boyd

February 26, 2023: At the Core of Temptation, Dr. Rev. Mary Boyd

February 22, 2023: Ash Wednesday

February 19, 2023: Mountaintop Experience

February 18, 2023: Memorial for Shirley Yunker

February 12, 2023: Higher Standards

February 5, 2023: Light of Being

January 29, 2023: We Are Blessed

January 22, 2023: Follow the Light

January 15, 2023: The Water is Fine

January 14, 2023: Celebration of Life for Doreen Lambert

January 8, 2023: Epiphany

January 1, 2023: New World

December 25: Service of Song and Prayer

December 24: Christ Our Shinning Light, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 18: Love- Voices Heard, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 11: Joy - Beauty to Come, Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 4: Peace- Poetry in Motion, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 27: Hope in the Prophet's Voice, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 20:Reign of Christ - Thanks be to God, Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 13: A New Beginning, Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd

November 6: All Things Now Living, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 30: Welcome to the Kin-dom, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 23: Confession, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 16: Reflecting on the Past, Jill Usher and Al Sherman

October 9: Be God's, Pastor Lisa Connolley

October 2: The Vision, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 25: Hear the Prophets, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 18: A Little or a Lot, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 11: Finding the Lost, Pastor Lisa Connolley

September 10, UWF Puget Sound District Meeting

September 04, 2022: Hard Work, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 28, 2022: Perfect Guests in the World, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 21, 2022: Doing the Unthinkable, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August 20, 2022: Memorial for Dick Barker

August 14, 2022: Fires that Rage as Lament, Pastor Lisa Connolley

August  7, 2022: Be Prepared, Baert Simmons

July 31, 2022: Posterity, Gene Clark

July 24, 2022: Gift of Prayer

July 17, 2022: Distractions

July 10, 2022: Who?

July 3, 2022:  Go WITH God, Pastor Lisa Connolley

June 26, 2022: Son of Man Has Nowhere to Lay His Head

June 19, 2022: God of Child

June 12, 2022: Greater Together

June 6, 2022: Pentecost and Mission Sunday

May 29, 2022: Ascension: The Hope of Those Who Memorialize Fellow Troops  Pastor Lisa Connolley

May 22, 2022: Opening Hearts, Minds, and Doors Pastor  Lisa Connolley

May 15, 2022: A New Thing, Clynton Easley

May 8, 2022: Song of the Mothers, Pastor Lisa Connolley

May 1, 2022: The Road Taken, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 24, 2022: Peace be With You, Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 17, 2022 Easter Service: Open to the Surprise Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 15 Good Friday 2022, Tenebrae Service

April 10 Palm Sunday 2022, Can We Continue the Joy! Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 3, 2022  Broken, Healed, Called  Pastor Lisa Connolley

April 2, 2022  Memorial for Georgia Wright
On Facebook

March 27, 2022  Welcome to the Father's Embrace  Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 20, 2022  Spiritual Food  Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 13, 2022  Emotional Pleas  Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 6, 2022  Wilderness Journey  Pastor Lisa Connolley

March 2, 2022  Ash Wednesday  Pastor Lisa Connolley

February 27, 2022  "Light Of the World"  Lay Speaker Baert Simmons

February 20, 2022  "LOVE YOUR ENEMIES"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 16, 2022  "Do Whatever He Tells You"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 9, 2022  "Baptism of the Lord"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

January 2, 2022  "Epiphany"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 26, 2021  "Promised One Held"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 24, 2021  "Like a Child"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 24, 2021  "Would You Have Followed the Star?"  Message: Craig Anderson

December 12, 2021  "Journey Towards Joy"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

December 5, 2021  "Peace Be With You" Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 28, 2021  "Visible Sign of Hope"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 21, 2021  "Reign of Christ"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

November 14, 2021  "Worry & Let Go"   Pastor Lisa Connolley

All Saints Sunday   November 7, 2021   "Widows"  Pastor Lisa Connolley

"Close to the Kingdom"  October 31, 2021   Pastor Lisa Connolley

"Restored"  October 24, 2021   Pastor Lisa Connolley

SPECIAL MUSIC:  "OTHERS"   Accordion & Vocals: Vern Olsen





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"A New Perspective"   Rev. Dr. Mary Boyd   October 17, 2021

Kathleen Bentley Anderson's Memorial Service   October 16, 2021

"Count Our Days So We May Have a Wise Heart"  Pastor Lisa Connolley    October 10, 2021

"Family of God"   Pastor Lisa Connolley   October 3, 2021

"All That are For God are God's"  Pastor Lisa Connolley   September 26, 2021

"Arguing Born of Misunderstanding"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  September 19, 2021

"Call of Teachers"  Pastor Lisa Connolley   September 12, 2021

"We Remember: 20th Anniversary, 9-11-2001     September 11, 2021

"Almighty Healing & Mercy"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  September 5, 2021


"Religion That is Pure"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  August 29, 2021

"The Hard Message"  Pastor Lisa Connolley   August 22, 2021

"Call to Wisdom"   Pastor Lisa Connolley   August 15, 2021

"It's the Truth"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  August 8, 2021

"Bread of Life"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  August 1, 2021

"Bread for All"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  July 25, 2021

"Shepard of All"  Pastor Lisa Connolley   July 18, 2021

"The Dance"  Pastor Lisa Connolley   July 11, 2021

"Humble Before Our Almighty God"  Pastor Lisa Connolley  July 4, 2021

"Today"  Rev. Mark Galang   June 27, 2021

"It's a Means of Grace"  Pastor David Johnson   June 20, 2021

"Parable Power" Chaplain David G. Lura   June 13, 2021